Been able to be in the water a fair bit this year so far even during these "winter" months here. Winter does bring rougher seas and some limited visibility but all time under the water is appreciated.
Have also had the opportunity to try out a new camera set-up. A Canon 5D Mk2 with a 24mm prime lens. Quite the learning curve with this but starting to love the detail available with the full frame sensor especially in the wide angle shots. Hopefully, will have some photos to show next month.
Going to talk a bit about Black and White photos today, as I feel they can be a powerful way to express feeling in all types of photography. Ansel Adams is the perfect example, an incredible world renowned photographer know for his black and white images. Be sure and look him up if you are not familiar with his work.
Many of the underwater photography contests do have a required Black and White category usually in both macro and wide angle formats. The choice of subject, at least for me, seems to be a lot harder than with color, but hey - I am learning. Shipwrecks seem to be the most obvious of subjects that lend themselves to this format!
Enjoy the photos above, leave a comment or ask a question, and please help keep our oceans healthy.
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